Monday, November 17, 2008

I got my ticket!!!

I got my ticket!!!

Thursday 12:00 am I'll be watching Twilight!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hunting season is over!!!

About 2 weeks ago or so, Darren was able to shoot his elk.He was really lucky, anyways, we were so busy getting our meat all cut up, that it let me no time to post on my blog. Now the hunting season is behind us Darren can focus on finishing school and guess what? He'll be able to graduate this semester.
Now I have to go do my dishes... so boring.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Harry Potter in Frenchtown?

We had a really nice time at the Halloween party on Friday. Hakan was Harry Potter and Eli was frankenstein.

Lots of people told us that Hakan really looked like Harry, and Hakan wanted everyone to call him Harry. He would get mad when we called him Hakan.

We hope everyone had a nice Halloween.