Sunday, November 2, 2008

Harry Potter in Frenchtown?

We had a really nice time at the Halloween party on Friday. Hakan was Harry Potter and Eli was frankenstein.

Lots of people told us that Hakan really looked like Harry, and Hakan wanted everyone to call him Harry. He would get mad when we called him Hakan.

We hope everyone had a nice Halloween.


Jennifer said...

Wow, Danibella is FREAKY!!! Great job on the costumes, you guys look so good! Hakan & Eli are adorable as ever, and yes Hakan does Harry Potter very well!
Glad you guys had a happy & safe Halloween. We had a pretty fun one down here, the kids had a great time. And Aaron scared the daylights (as the kid said!) out of a trick-or-treater, which made Aaron's night of standing on the porch like a dummy totally worth it! But that wasn't a hard job for him anyways, you know, to be a "dummy" all night! :)
Anyways, love your post, keep them coming ... I think I see a "Darren finally gets his elk" post coming next!

Congrats to Darren!!!
(and to you)

Love, Jenn

Becky said...

I LOVE the costumes! Hakan should have been entered into a costume contest! He and Eli were adorable!

Oh and congrats to Darren (and you) for getting an elk and ending the season. Yay!