Monday, May 25, 2009

My Tulips. Mis Tulipanes

Este ano fue el la primera vea que pude plantar plantas y elegi poner tulipanes porque crecen cada ano sin plantarlos de vuelta, estoy re contenta.

This is the first time I planted tulips, I'm so happy that they bloomed for Mother's Day.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Congratulations to My Husband!

Finally My Husband has Graduated From The University Of Montana.
I'm so proud of you.
I know that you were really busy, with working full time, scouts, two kids and a wife, but you still managed to graduate with HONORS.
We love you so much!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Making Cards is my Passion

Everybody that knows me, knows that I love Scrapbooking, but one of the things that I love to make are Cards.
I hope that this cards give you an idea, and maybe you can start making your own.
I haven't been able to do a lot of bloggin, so now I think I will start doing it more often, I been really busy with my church calling, planting my first garden, babysitting, working in the yard.
But before I can do all of this I have to be a mother, and tend to my child's needs, and they have a lot of them, at the end of the day I'm really tired but extremely happy knowing that I have the two most beautiful and loving boys.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there.